Friday, June 5, 2009

Microfiber Turban!

Have you tried it?

I bought mines some months ago and I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM NOW! My hair use to need too many hours before it gets dry, and it is so annoying! I can't style my hair when it is wet, and if I try to blowdry the hair - the hair gets frizzy (you know my hair is bleached~). With this turban I can wash my hair in the morning, wrap it in the turban. While I wait a little, I can do my makeup! After finishing the makeup the hair is almost completely dry and I can start styling it!

I highly recommend it if your hair is like mine! :D

1 comment:

  1. Ohh wow cool~~ I suggest you use a really strong conditioner. I've been blonde since i was 14 [on and off but mostly blonde] and i use a blow dryer, hair curler, straightener etc etc everyday and its still pretty silky.
